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There are many reasons to get your dog out of the house and out to his structured playgroup.

Safe Environment for Play

Giving your dog a safe environment to play is top priority. When at a dog boarding or day care facility, your dog is not just in play areas designed for dog play, his play groups are structured with other dogs that play like him. The entire time your dog is interacting with other dogs, he is being supervised in a safe environment where he can have fun being a dog.

Release Pent-Up Energy

You know what it’s like when you arrive home from a long day at work. Your dog is so excited to see you and get outside. When your puppy has spent the day with friends, he is more likely to want a nap while you make dinner than demand an hour walk. Let him get that energy out so you can settle in at home and then spend quality time with him later.

Develop Socialization Skills

Dogs are pack creatures and need social interaction. Puppy play groups helps dogs develop positive behavior skills. Some dogs take some time to adapt to the daycare pack but once they do separation anxiety lessens. Dogs become more social and have less anxiety not just at the boarding facility but also at home.

Make New Dog Friends

Forget a pet sitter, give your dog a real canine companion at dog daycare. He will find new canine friends with the same play style. It also builds strong socialization skills that will help you when you take him to the local sidewalk cafe, a walk at the park or to play at the dog park.

Overcome Dog-Mom  and Dog-Dad Guilt

Forget scheduling your entire day to make it home early or for lunch to spend a bit of time with your dog. Alleviate dog-mom and dog-dad guilt knowing your puppy is having fun at his dog play group. You can enjoy a lunch with friends while he enjoys exploring the dog play areas at day care with all his pooch pals.

Controlled Play Areas

When your dog is at dog day care, he is always being monitored by professional team members. This means someone is always there to prevent trouble from starting and deal with any emergency that might arise. Canines are social animals but left unchecked can find trouble. By keeping playtime controlled, everyone is kept safe while boredom and destructive behavior is curbed.

Affordable Pricing

Dog daycares have affordable pricing tiers making it possible to take your dog often. Pet parents appreciate loyalty programs and frequent visit discount or include boarding facility options as well for extended stays when you are out of town on business & vacation.

Pet Care for Healthier Dogs

Dog daycare is a type of pet care that isn’t health care, but does help to keep dogs healthier. They get more exercise, are less likely to eat things that can be dangerous and improve mental capacity. Dogs come home from dog day care exhausted and ready to cuddle with you on the sofa.

More Comfortable Bladders for Small Dogs

While your dog might be willing and able to hold, it isn’t always healthy for him. Leaving your dog at home for extended periods of time can lead to bladder or kidney infections, especially in older or small dogs. Professional staff members make sure your dog gets to do his business several times a day. Your dog’s health is worth it.

Big or Small Dog Play Areas

Your dog’s temperament determines where he will spend his play time while in pet care. Small dogs are kept in the small dog area while big dogs romp with like-sized buddies. Team members are trained to recognize anxiety or aggression in dogs. They will make sure that shy and scared dogs are not put in with the rough-n-tumble crowd.

Stop Destructive Behavior at Home

You’ll find less unwanted chewing than when leaving your dog at home all day. When dogs are given a fun environment and outdoor play areas to enjoy, the dog’s overall behavior improves. Even if you only take your dog to daycare twice a week, he’ll be less likely to chew, mark or bark all day long. If you’ve been told that your dog cries, howls or barks all day while you are away, dog daycare is a positive solution.

Outdoor Play and Fun

When you leave your dog at home, chances are he is on the sofa for the day just waiting for you to return. Many dog daycare facilities have indoor playrooms and outdoor play time when weather permits. Getting outside in a safe environment with other dogs gives your dog mental stimulation and gives him friends to work on his social skills.

Gives Dogs a Routine

If your schedule is unpredictable, you can provide a stable routine for your dog. Dogs like routine and habits and are less likely to experience anxiety and separation anxiety when they have regular routines. While at dog daycare, your dog will have specific routines for play, bathroom breaks and feeding.

Prepares Dogs for Overnight Dog Boarding

Dogs that go to daycare do better when owners are out of town and chose to keep the puppys in boarding facilities overnight. By socializing your dog and creating happy habits away from home, your dog is more likely to adapt to extended stays away from you.

*Please note that as Maryland restrictions are beginning to be lifted, reservations are available for daytime play groups and overnight boarding due to business travel and family vacations.  Please call today to reserve your spots for late spring and early summer as we are seeing a major increase in family’s planning their upcoming calendars at this time.

CALL TODAY: (410) 671-7529