We can all agree, puppies are so adorable! They offer loving companionship and bring joy, fun, and laughter to your household. Individuals living alone, seniors, and families with children can all experience the many benefits that having a dog brings. But before you bring home that sweet puppy, make sure that you know exactly what you’re getting into. Unlike mature dogs, puppies come with added responsibilities and can make you a little frustrated with their behavior. The young ones are typically energetic and need to be entertained, and they have yet to learn what we want and where we want them to do their business.
One of the best ways to make sure that your puppy is safe and happy and that you, too, are enjoying your dog, is to consider early puppy training. Young dogs are eager and ready to learn, and it is at this stage that dogs form life-long habits. The responsibility of whether those habits are good or bad rests with you. As a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you have a dog that’s well-rounded and adaptable.
A puppy’s exasperating behavior, if it not addressed immediately, can eventually become unbearable once it moves to adolescence or adulthood. Early dog training prevents bad habits and behavior from even becoming a problem. The usual complaints that flustered and unprepared owners have about their puppies include doing their business anywhere, nipping family members, chewing on furniture and shoes, and jumping at the owners or the guests. With early puppy training, both you and your dog will certainly benefit from the structured.
During puppy training, you’ll also be able to teach your dog how to behave while walking on a leash. This is one of the most important things a puppy should be taught because it will allow you to take him for walks without worry while providing him with the necessary mental and physical exercise needed.
There are dog owners who complain about not being able to take their dogs out for a walk or have guests over in fear of their dogs chasing other pets or jumping on guests. With early dog training, your puppy will be exposed to other puppies and dog-loving people outside of your home setting. Proper socialization early in a dog’s life – starting around seven to eight weeks of age – can prevent behavior problems later in his life.
Proper dog training requires you to spend time with your puppy so that you can teach him properly. The more time you spend together, the easier it will be to figure out your dog’s traits and learn how to play with, work with and teach him. Conversely, your dog will also learn how to respond to you, and know what makes you happy. This will build trust and confidence, making the relationship you share a bond that will last a lifetime.