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Do you have a new puppy you’re scared to leave for the first time? Or maybe your dog has separation anxiety, and you’re hesitant about boarding in general. Either way, we can give you some easy tips to make the process a little easier for you.

Pack their favorite things

Whether you have a new puppy or an older dog that is super attached, bringing along some reminders from home can help. Pack a blanket or stuffed animal that smells like home, or maybe one of your t-shirts that smells like you!

Reserve in Advance

Boarding facilities often fill up fast, especially during the holidays. Make sure you stay ahead of the game. Being prepared always makes things smoother.

Inquire About Staffing

Giving you peace of mind while you’re away is vital to having a good experience. Ask wherever you’re boarding your dog whether or not they will have 24-7 staffing. It can ease your stress knowing they will always be taken care of.

Vaccinations Are Vital

When you take your dog to a facility, they should always inquire about vaccinations and whether your dog is up to date. Make sure the place you use is holding dogs all up to date.

Best Friends Fur Ever is a doggy daycare as well as a boarding facility. We always handle training, grooming and other fun stuff! Often times, our daycare dogs vacation with us during the holidays. They already feel comfortable here, and love our staff. For any questions feel free to contact us!